Dental Emergency During Summer Vacation? Learn What to Do

June 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkeanna @ 8:32 pm
Woman in summer clothes, dealing with a toothache

Do you have exciting travel plans this summer? Whether you want to go abroad for an exotic getaway or you will stay in the U.S., the last thing you want is for a dental emergency to dampen your fun. But it is important to keep in mind that oral health problems can occur at any time! What should you do if your smile’s wellness takes a turn for the worse while you are far from home? This blog post provides some guidance.

Think to the Future

If it has been more than six months since your last dental checkup, it would be wise to schedule an appointment before you leave for vacation. If your dentist identifies any issues that could soon develop into an emergency, you may have time to receive needed treatment prior to your trip. At the very least, you can be aware of the problem and treat your tooth gently during your vacation.

Find a Dentist

Of course, a dental emergency may occur despite your best attempts to prevent one. If that happens, one of the first things you should do is find a reputable dentist.

If you are traveling in the U.S., Canada, or another well-developed country, a simple online search should help you locate a few nearby practices. Call one that has good reviews and request an emergency appointment.

If you are in a less-developed country, your travel insurance company or your hotel concierge may be able to point you toward a local dentist that has a good reputation.

Be Careful with Your Damaged Tooth

Before your dental appointment, you can take steps to minimize your pain and prevent further damage to your smile:

  • Do not chew with the damaged/hurting tooth.
  • Keep up with oral hygiene, but be careful when attending to the area around the damaged tooth.
  • Regularly rinse your mouth with warm salt water.
  • Eat soft foods that are not too hot or spicy.
  • Take over-the-counter pain relievers as necessary.
  • Get enough rest; you might have to postpone any vacation activities that involve a lot of physical exertion.

Do Not Neglect Follow-Up Care

The dentist you visit while on vacation may recommend that you see your own dentist when you get home. It is important that you do so! You may need further restorative treatment. Plus, your dentist can give you coaching to reduce the risk of a similar situation happening again in the future.

Hopefully, your summer vacation will be free of dental emergencies. If one does occur, take fast action to protect your smile!

Meet the Practice

Dr. George Keanna has many years of experience in dentistry. He focuses on providing gentle, conservative, and holistic care. He is also ready to welcome emergency patients; our team can often accept urgent cases on a same-day basis. To learn more about how Dr. Keanna and our team may be able to serve you, contact Natural Dental Services in Albuquerque at 505-292-8533.

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