Teeth Whitening – Albuquerque, NM 

A Brighter Smile Is Within Your Reach

Man with bright smile after teeth whitening in Albuquerque

A bright, attractive smile is a timeless accessory that goes with any outfit. Unfortunately, countless millions of people are dissatisfied with the color of their teeth, which can easily become stained due to the consumption of pigmented foods and beverages as well as other factors. What can you do to achieve a more confident, radiant grin? Thanks to professional teeth whitening in Albuquerque, a brighter smile is within your reach! Read on below to learn more about this cosmetic service.

Why Choose Natural Dental Service for Teeth Whitening? 

  • Gentle Formula that Minimizes Sensitivity
  • Results in Just Two Weeks
  • Whiten in the Comfort of Your Own Home

Who Is a Good Candidate for Teeth Whitening? 

Illustration of teeth before and after whitening treatment

Anyone who has discolored teeth due to the consumption of pigmented foods and beverages, tobacco use, or aging may benefit from teeth whitening. Whether the stains are intrinsic (in the enamel) or extrinsic (on the surface), a professional bleaching treatment may be able to help.

Of course, teeth whitening is not ideal for everyone. If you have veneers, crowns, or other restorations on your front teeth, they will not be affected by the whitening formula. If you have untreated cavities or other oral health concerns, they will need to be addressed before you move forward with cosmetic services.

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

Portrait of young woman with beautiful smile

Teeth whitening products utilize a special bleaching formula that penetrates the tooth enamel in order to break up unwanted pigmented molecules. Often, the active ingredient is a form of hydrogen peroxide.

Professional whitening products tend to be more powerful and provide better results than those that you can purchase over the counter. Dr. Keanna has carefully selected the Bravo whitening system because of the many advantages that it offers.

Take-Home Teeth Whitening

Woman placing whitening gel in custom tray

The Bravo teeth whitening system is a convenient product that you can use in the comfort of your own home. All you have to do is place the whitening gel in the custom trays provided by our practice. Keep the gel on your teeth for 30 minutes a day. You should begin to notice results within a few days, but optimum results typically take around two weeks.

Since the Bravo formula is specifically designed to minimize dental sensitivity, you can expect a comfortable treatment experience from beginning to end.

Tips for Maintaining Your Brighter Smile

Woman with bright smile preparing to brush her teeth

After your teeth whitening is complete, you should take steps to maintain your results. Here are a few tips to that end:

  • Adhere to a thorough daily oral hygiene routine.
  • Minimize your intake of coffee, tea, berries, and other highly pigmented items.
  • When you drink a pigmented beverage, enjoy it through a straw so the liquid has minimal contact with your teeth.
  • Attend a professional dental cleaning and checkup twice a year.
  • Do not smoke or chew tobacco.